Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today ... many of the students 'graduating'. Well, I hv written about this before ... but it never fails to amaze me how many times a person these days 'graduated'. From Kinder, Primary, Secondary, College to Uni ... and if they are taking their PhD, you may want to count the number of times a person graduated!!!

So, what is "graduating" means, anyway? Yeah, we have LOST many of the the REAL/ACTUAL meaning of some occasions/festivals. Heck, we just part of the herd, anyway. We seldom ask or even bother to know its significance, whether it is to ourselves or people surrounding us.

There are many reasons we might think of regarding why graduation ceremony is needed. I see it as a stepping-stone for a person to grow(mentally, I mean). The ceremony is not needed. We have more than enough ceremonies/festivals to celebrate year-round, anyway. Adding another in our lives making us 'burdened'. But, it will be good to be reminded that we have graduated from certain level of education, and we are SUPPOSED to be more 'educated' by then. Obviously, it is NOT true generally ...

Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference

11.50 am : Just came out from the hall ... the graduation ceremony is over. I dislike 'goodbye', especially knowing few are close to u. This is my 19th year of teaching, students have always been part of my lives. I have learnt to distant myself 'emotionally' from my students. Hence, I m denying myself of having to say 'goodbye'.

Funny, most people could say ... hi and bye ... like there is no feeling involved. Emotions controlled. But, I find it hard ... I dislike the emotion attachment as saying goodbye could be a difficult things to do.

Anyway, happy for many of them as they will part-ways and going into the uni-world. It is still a transition period of illusion and reality. Once these kids graduated, you may want to welcome them to ... the REAL world. Hmm ... hope for the best.


p/s : Happy Father's Day ... if u know the meaning anyway. HAPPY is highlighted as that is the most part of us ... trying to seek happiness, right?

1 comment:

  1. Graduation...i of the reason why we should have graduation for each level (besides acknowledging we have already completed that level of education) is, for those who might not have a chance to experience another graduation. some ppl have to stop studying after high school. some might not even further their studies after IS. so, at least they've experienced the joy of graduation and the celebration. :)

    the 9 months old picture of Sherlyn is very cute!
